Settings instructions
This section will help users check they have the correct settings on their phone to avoid any issues when using the SOGO Golf App. It is important that all Users including both Golfers and Validators have these settings correct to avoid any issues or roadblocks when playing a round on SOGO Golf.
Finding the Settings
To access the SOGO device settings simply click on the Apple Settings Tile and scroll down through the list of Apps on your device until you find the SOGO App option. Once you tap on SOGO you will see the settings and permissions for SOGO Golf that you can adjust.
Turn on Permissions
The features in SOGO Golf use some of the standard technology on your Apple Device
Location Services - This allows SOGO to check that you are on the course selected and near your playing partner. If this is turned off you wont be able to start a round
Photo Access - This allows you to add photos to the SOGO Golf App. Photo options include Scorecards, Profile pictures and a record of your Golf Link card
Mobile Data - Unless on a WiFi network SOGO will need to use Mobile Data to talk to the SOGO servers to upload your score and send you leaderboard information
Notifications - Tap Notifications and see the next step below for Notification settings
Notification Settings
SOGO Golf use Push Notifications to send requests between Golfers and their Validators when starting and finishing a round. It is critical to have these turned ON so you can submit a competition round to SOGO Golf.
Allow Notification - This must be turned ON
Show in Notification Center - This helps keep track of notifications you have received from your playing partners
Sounds - We recommend having this turned ON so you don't miss any requests at the start of a round
Show on Lock Screen - We recommend this being turned ON. It is important to have the SOGO App open when your playing partner is sending you the request
Alert Style - The Banners option is recommend and the easiest to send and accept.